Thursday, June 02, 2005

Paul Ricoeur, Feb 27, 1913 - May 20, 2005

Just discovered this, a bit late!
Paul Ricoeur, who died on Friday aged 92, was one of the most distinguished and prolific philosophers of his generation and published extensively on subjects ranging from structuralism, theology and phenomenology to psychoanalysis and hermeneutics; he was chiefly preoccupied with what is arguably the greatest philosophical theme - the meaning of life.

Full details are found here...


Dymphna said...

Jeez...I didn't know he was still alive. I liked his ideas on the will. And his stuff on the use of symbols in religion...

But mostly he was a side-trip for me back then since I was mainly interested in Gabriel Marcel. Whom I still read sometimes. Esp. his Gifford Lectures. They're old paperbacks and brittle now.

He must be the last of that group to go...

R Jeffrey Grace said...

I was suprised that he was still alive too! I have to confess I don't know his work... just got his name as someone that should be read if one is interested in hermeneutics... nor am I familiar with Marcel. I have reading to do... much reading. :>