Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Soul of the plant

...I think the glow is from her soul...

St. Ignatius

...from Lone Mountain, late one night...

Look up the time...

...taken at the Embarcadero during the 2004 Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco...

No thanks, God...

Seems like the separation between Church and State is now being interpreted as "kids can't thank God" on Thanksgiving Day in school (Thanks to Michelle Malkin for the heads up). Used to be that the school itself, the teachers and adminstrators, were the ones barred from making religious comments. Now the schools apparently want the student body to be silent on the subject as well. What the hell are people afraid of, anyway???

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Welcome to yet another blog experiment! I've been trying out different blog services to see which one I like the best. Trouble with these blogs, though... you really have to blatther on about something every day or people won't bother to visit. Damn!