Sunday, July 03, 2005

Candlelight Mass at St. Dominic's

Here's a nice atmospheric shot of the friars setting up the candles for their candlelight mass. They sing Taize music most of the time. It's late for a mass (9:00pm) so everyone seems to sing under their breath... kinda like they don't want to wake the friars in the priory who are already sleeping. ;> More pics to be found at my website.


DeanSMS said...

I love the candlelight Mass. What you decribed is a near discription of my first Parish (Catholic Center at St. Austin) where I was welcomed to the Church. I pause now in wonderful memories. :)

DeanSMS said...

P.S., the candlelight Mass was at 10:00 P.M.

R Jeffrey Grace said...

Candlelight Mass is the best! They have one at the Newman Center at Cal Berkeley, the Holy Spirit Parish, as it's called... kinda nice... 10:00pm there as well... very high attendance!