Saturday, June 25, 2005

Danforth holds forth

I've admired John Danforth, beginning from the time he served as a Senator from Missouri. He came to the fore in the public arena when he was a swing vote during the confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. His replies to reporters, who would crowd around him as he emerged from the senate druing the vote, were interesting... but what was even more interesting was watching him as he interacted with the press. He would look around the room as the questions were asked and then occasionally land his gaze upon the questioner... and the look he always seemed to have was a "are you serious?" kind of look. He always answered the questions carefully, however, and his answers were always articulate and thoughtful. His vote and support apparently helped Thomas into the Supreme Court and I have never forgotten that.

He has penned a great editorial, which originally appeared in the NY Times on the 17th of June, dealing with the Christian right and Christian moderates. It's very good, very thoughtful, and something I'd like to hear more often.

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